Friday, October 15, 2010

Easy Guide To Car Maintenance

Cars are like electric lights. We often don’t appreciate them until they go on the blink. Regular maintenance checks and simple service can greatly reduce the cost of car ownership and keep you a much happier traveler!

Don’t let the thought of car maintenance intimidate you. There are actually several car maintenance tips you can do – even if you’re totally mechanically-challenged!

For instance, you’ll want to keep your windshield washer fluid reservoir full. This involves screwing off the cap and pouring windshield wiper fluid in the right spot. You can quickly check the fluid levels when filling up at the gas station.

While you’ve got the windshield washer fluid out, pour some on a rag and clean the bug guts, etc. off the wiper blades.

If you see any colored fluid leaking from your car, get it serviced immediately.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What do you know about Vehicular Diuretic?

Diuretics, commonly known as "water pills," are designed to help eliminate water. In engines, water and fuel are inbred kissing cousins, that when left unsupervised, produce carbon baby abnormalities, e.g., power and performance demise, decreased mileage, increased toxic emissions, increased maintenance applications, and engine fatality.

Who should use an engine diuretic?

Machinery or vehicles dependent upon fuel to function, should snack on a nutritious engine diuretic.

Is water present in gasoline?

Yes. Like all fuels, gasoline has a fatal attraction to water. Sulfur resides in fuel, and when wedded with water, births sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid assaults engines. When not burned off during combustion, its carnage of carbon deposits is left strewn throughout the engine. Carbon babies cling to spark plugs, valves, oil, etc., and impair an engine’s ability to perform. Too many carbon baby deposits, the engine undertaker is knocking on the door.

Is water present in diesel fuel?

Yes. Being less refined than gasoline, diesel fuel will retain larger quantities of water. Water in diesel fuel is a breeding ground for microorganisms, or bacteria, which feed on hydrocarbons in fuel. These microorganisms produce baby spores, which grow up, become active and begin producing their own cohesive families. These families of microorganisms foster slime, which clogs filters.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

12 Tips for Buying a New Sport Car

Nothing (well, almost nothing) can compare to the thrill of driving a road-hugging high performance sports car. Instant steering response. Power at the exact nanosecond you ask for it.

Then, if you have one of the sexier models, you’ll attract attention on the road, filling up, and in the shopping mall parking lot.

Yes, you can pretend you’re driving the Aut
obahn with the wind blowing your hair. But beware of state troopers just waiting for an “arrest me red” entry on their ticket issuing track record.

Before You Fall In Love . . .

Before you step into that showroom and fall in love, consider the following practicalities:

1) How much do you want to spend? $20,000? $30,000? Or more?

2) What’s the tradeoff between performance (power) and gas mileage? Higher performance usually equals less gas mileage.

Does the vehicle use premium gas? Right now, the difference between premium and regular is 20 cents per gallon. At 20 miles per gallon and 15,000 miles per year, the cost differential is $150.

3) What about reliability? Some upscale models cost considerably more to maintain and have a higher incidence of repair costs. Would you appreciate paying $125 just to diagnose the problem when the check engine light comes on? Or paying $70 for an oil change?

4) In a climate where snow and ice are winter realities, do you want to drive it year round? Or store it over the winter?